Compare Hair Loss Pills
In addition to the Hair Loss Forum and reviews, we give you an option to compare hair loss pills and find the best with the highest user rating. Remember, all ratings are user generated.
Here is a list of the top hair loss pills in year 2024 as ranked by 1485 users. Choose the brand to find more information and compare hair loss pills.
- By rating
- Alphabetical order
- ProFollica - 4.7
- HarVokse - 4.4
- Foliactive - 4.2
- Folexin - 4.1
- Provillus - 4.1
- Profolan - 4.0
- Follixin - 4.0
- Locerin - 3.9
- Folisin - 3.9
- TrichoZed - 3.8
- HairNation - 3.8
- 500Cosmetics Hair - 3.7
- Hair Again - 3.7
- HairGenesis - 3.7
- Biotin - 3.6
- Nisim FAST - 3.5
- TRX2 - 3.1
- Nuzena Hair Growth - 3.1
- Biogetica - 3.0
- Foligain - 2.8
- Viviscal - 2.7
- Hair Growth Vitamins - 2.5
- Procerin - 2.4
- Propecia - 1.9
- Minoxidil - 1.3
You may use the following links to compare hair loss pills and see how people rate them.
#1 ProFollica: 4.7 out of 5
ProFollicaIf you are looking for a highly-recommended hair loss solution, Profollica is there to help you stimulate your hair growth and make your current hair far stronger and healthier. Profollica offers more than just another hair loss shampoo that does little to bolster your self-esteem; Profollica offers a hair loss prevention solution that targets your hair loss in a scientific and proven manner.
Read the ProFollica review, check the rating of ProFollica, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare ProFollica and other products. Find more info in ProFollica forum and the official website:
Latest message in ProFollica forum:
Lee D. wrote: Can this product be used with other topical options or should it be used by itself? I am not sure where to find the information. I don't see it on their site.
#2 HarVokse: 4.4 out of 5
HarVokseIf you are looking for a unique hair loss solution, and want to find something that truly works, Har Vokse is one of the better options that you are going to find on the market. It helps to prevent hair loss, can help thicken and strengthen your hair, and promotes regrowth for shinier, stronger, and thicker hair. Har Vokse helps to optimize your hair growth once again.
Read the HarVokse review, check the rating of HarVokse, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare HarVokse and other products. Find more info in HarVokse forum and the official website:
Latest message in HarVokse forum:
David wrote: What age is this supplement for? I want to find something that works for older men. My head has been balding for 10 years now. I am in my early 50's. I just don't know if this would work for someone my age or not.
#3 Foliactive: 4.2 out of 5
FoliactiveFoliactive offers you a natural treatment option if you are looking for a way to combat hair loss. The natural ingredients found in Foliactive are going to give your hair the strength it needs to prevent hair loss and will also stimulate overall hair health to ensure that your hair is back to its previous shine and luster.
Read the Foliactive review, check the rating of Foliactive, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Foliactive and other products. Find more info in Foliactive forum and the official website:
Latest message in Foliactive forum:
Dale G. wrote: Over all I am happy. I am impressed that it only took about a week to see changes. My hair feels and looks thicker, less hair fall when I am in the shower, I think even my dandruff issue is basically gone now. I am going to stick with this one.
#4 Folexin: 4.1 out of 5
FolexinIf you have thinning or receding hair, or are actually going bald, there’s no need to live with it and accept as a part of growing older. The breakthrough formula for hair repair and growth you’ve always dreamed of is here with Folexin; which can give you back that brilliant head of hair you had before.
Read the Folexin review, check the rating of Folexin, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Folexin and other products. Find more info in Folexin forum and the official website:
Latest message in Folexin forum:
Sarah wrote: You are wrong. This is not a hormonal supplement. Just like with most other "hair loss treatment pills" the main ingredient here is Biotin which is simply... a vitamin B7! There can't be negative effects of taking vitamins unless you have an allergy or you overdose.
#5 Provillus: 4.1 out of 5
ProvillusProvillus offers a hair-regrowth treatment that you apply to your scalp daily. It is a topical solution that is easy to apply. The primary ingredient found in Provillus is minoxidil, an ingredient that is FDA-approved and is a proven hair growth stimulant.
Provillus will give you a chance to get the full head of hair that you always wanted, regardless of whether you have been dealt a lousy hand through genetics or through other hormonal imbalances.
Read the Provillus review, check the rating of Provillus, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Provillus and other products. Find more info in Provillus forum and the official website:
Latest message in Provillus forum:
Don wrote: ... so I am very happy with the results! Provillus does help stop hair loss and it has no side effects of propecia and other medications. Highly recommended!
#6 Profolan: 4.0 out of 5
ProfolanProfolan is a dietary supplement featuring revolutionary Grow3 blend, a unique mix of extracts, amino acids and minerals for hair growth. It includes solely organic ingredients that effectively accelerate hair regrowth and conserve natural hair colour.
Read the Profolan review, check the rating of Profolan, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Profolan and other products. Find more info in Profolan forum and the official website:
Latest message in Profolan forum:
David S. Roca wrote: For the first time I took part in Profolan studies 2 years ago. About 120 men with problem of advanced alopecia were participating in it. The results of conducted studies were such satisfactory that most of the men within 2-weeks treatment noticed significant strengthening of hair, and in spots where they had no hair they found completely new ones.
#7 Follixin: 4.0 out of 5
FollixinIf you are looking for a hair loss supplement that actually works and that is going to guarantee its effectiveness, Follixin is one of the best hair loss solutions that you are going to find on the market today. Why allow yourself the embarrassment of hair loss when you are able to take steps and get the head of hair that you know, that you deserve!
Read the Follixin review, check the rating of Follixin, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Follixin and other products. Find more info in Follixin forum and the official website:
Latest message in Follixin forum:
Albert wrote: That's good advice. Follixin is a great product by itself, but improvements are much better with a healthy diet and regular exercise. It all helps!
#8 Locerin: 3.9 out of 5
LocerinLocerin is a complex dietary supplement for women, that generally choose to defend their hair health and vitality.
The product is present in the form of pills which are easy to swallow and digest and can be taken each day to promote hair growth and restoration, as well as prevent further hair loss.
Read the Locerin review, check the rating of Locerin, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Locerin and other products. Find more info in Locerin forum and the official website:
Latest message in Locerin forum:
Dominica wrote: To each and every mother who needs to start believing in herself and have a beautiful hairstyle again - I strongly advise Locerin.
#9 Folisin: 3.9 out of 5
FolisinFolisin is the top quality dietary supplement that contains only organic ingredients along with essential oils to protect men from losing their hair. The is ideal for men willing to avoid hair loss.
Read the Folisin review, check the rating of Folisin, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Folisin and other products. Find more info in Folisin forum and the official website:
Latest message in Folisin forum:
Arthur wrote: I used various shampoos and supplements, but it was all for nothing. It was Folisin that made me regain my hair and confidence.
#10 TrichoZed: 3.8 out of 5
TrichoZedDHT (Dihydrotestosterone hormone) is one of the leading contributing factors to hair loss. With TrichoZed, you are able to target DHT at the root and thus are able to dramatically reduce the amount of hair loss issues that you have. By stimulating the blood supply and helping to reduce any blockages,TrichoZed greatly stimulates overall hair growth.
Read the TrichoZed review, check the rating of TrichoZed, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare TrichoZed and other products. Find more info in TrichoZed forum and the official website:
Latest message in TrichoZed forum:
#11 HairNation: 3.8 out of 5
HairNationMen and women dealing with thinning hair may well benefit from a brand new molecular food supplement called HairNation. This product contains a revolutionary collection of ingredients that been proven effective in stimulating hair growth.
Use the advanced formula included in HairNation to restore hair that has become thin for any number of reasons.
Read the HairNation review, check the rating of HairNation, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare HairNation and other products. Find more info in HairNation forum and the official website:
Latest message in HairNation forum:
Larry G. wrote: HairNation pills were delivered quickly. I've been using it for a month now and already see first changes!
#12 500Cosmetics Hair: 3.7 out of 5
500Cosmetics Hair500Cosmetics Hair pills re-create weak hair follicles which eliminates hair fall issues. This medication is intended to prevent baldness and trigger hair growth.
Read the 500Cosmetics Hair review, check the rating of 500Cosmetics Hair, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare 500Cosmetics Hair and other products. Find more info in 500Cosmetics Hair forum and the official website:
Latest message in 500Cosmetics Hair forum:
Sarra wrote: I have not used it long but my hair is growing twice as fast!! It feels much fuller and thicker as well. I am very surprised by the results so far.
#13 Hair Again: 3.7 out of 5
Hair AgainIf you have ever experienced hair loss before, you know it is a devastating issue that can affect people at any given time. Why settle for less hair or hair growth problems when you are able to change your fortune by using Hair Again? Do not allow hair loss to get you down, but rely on the natural ingredient found in Hair Again to help you back to where you were.
Read the Hair Again review, check the rating of Hair Again, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Hair Again and other products. Find more info in Hair Again forum and the official website:
Latest message in Hair Again forum:
Dee wrote: This sounds amazing Peter! I want to get some for my husband. I know his hairline bothers him but he won't look into natural supplements. I am going to show him your review.
#14 HairGenesis: 3.7 out of 5
HairGenesisHairGenesis Oral Tablets are an all-natural solution to thinning hair. The formula has been designed to inhibit thinning in both male and female hair. The advanced formula used in HairGenesis pills has been designed to specifically target hair follicles and prevent the natural damage that leads to hair loss. Your hair will look, thick, healthy, and youthful when you use HairGenesis.
Read the HairGenesis review, check the rating of HairGenesis, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare HairGenesis and other products. Find more info in HairGenesis forum and the official website:
Latest message in HairGenesis forum:
Heather wrote: Does this work for women with PCOS? My hair loss is down to hormones so I don't want to bother if it won't make any differences for someone in my position. Anyone know?
#15 Biotin: 3.6 out of 5
BiotinIf you dream about having a lush head of hair while also having clear skin, Biotin offers you a combination of a lifetime. Biotin from Nutrition Forest is going to provide you with radiant skin, restore your nails, and helps strengthen your hair roots as well. This natural formula can help you get to where you want to go.
Read the Biotin review, check the rating of Biotin, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Biotin and other products. Find more info in Biotin forum and the official website:
Latest message in Biotin forum:
L. Thomas wrote: Biotin has been pretty good for me! My hair started to recede and immediately I looked for a solution. 6 weeks into Biotin now and my hair is looking good. Not back to its former glory yet, but I am hopeful! Cheers.
#16 Nisim FAST: 3.5 out of 5
Nisim FASTIf you notice that your hair is thinning and starting to fall out, you do not need to despair, because Nisim Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy (F.A.S.T.) is able to help you reduce those steps and get your hair back to the way it was before. By promoting good overall health and offering a wide variety of vitamin and mineral supplements, F.A.S.T. offers a natural method for you to get your hair health back.
Read the Nisim FAST review, check the rating of Nisim FAST, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Nisim FAST and other products. Find more info in Nisim FAST forum and the official website:
Latest message in Nisim FAST forum:
Darlene wrote: Brian check on Amazon. Some places sell 3 month supplies for a deal. I know I have seen them on there before. I have seen the whole system as part of a deal as well.
#17 TRX2: 3.1 out of 5
TRX2If you experience hair loss, especially at a young age, you know the way that it can make you feel. Thinning hair or hair loss can make people feel self-conscious, make them appear far older than they actually are, and make them experience a poor self-image. Thanks to TRX2 capsules, you are able to change this today.
Read the TRX2 review, check the rating of TRX2, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare TRX2 and other products. Find more info in TRX2 forum and the official website:
Latest message in TRX2 forum:
Brian wrote: It might be too soon to say. I have been taking TRX2 for about 3 weeks now and have not noticed anything bad but I have not noticed anything good either. Does anyone know how long you need to take it before you can expect to see results??
#18 Nuzena Hair Growth: 3.1 out of 5
Nuzena Hair GrowthDesigned for both men and women, Nuzena Hair Growth is a natural formula that helps support hair growth. The health professionals who created this product also ensured that the formula would deliver, strong, healthy hair.
Read the Nuzena Hair Growth review, check the rating of Nuzena Hair Growth, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Nuzena Hair Growth and other products. Find more info in Nuzena Hair Growth forum and the official website:
Latest message in Nuzena Hair Growth forum:
Brianna P. wrote: It took nearly two months to see results but I am very pleased. I had lost a lot of hair at my temples after my second childbirth and unlike the first one, it never came back. I have been taking Nuzena now for almost 1 year and the hair is basically back to normal. Very pleased!
#19 Biogetica: 3.0 out of 5
BiogeticaIf you are serious about targeting the roots of your hair loss, the Biogetica Alopecia Formula is going to allow you to do that perfectly. Just The combination of natural ingredients is going to help slow down age-related hair loss while promoting circulation for the roots and hair follicles. Do not settle for an option that only addresses one aspect of the problem.
Read the Biogetica review, check the rating of Biogetica, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Biogetica and other products. Find more info in Biogetica forum and the official website:
Latest message in Biogetica forum:
Carry wrote: Can I take this while I am breast feeding? I am going to be due in a few weeks and I would like to take something to ensure I don't lose any hair.
#20 Foligain: 2.8 out of 5
FoligainIf you are concerned about thinning hair or hair loss, you probably know how much of an impact this can have on your day-to-day life. Luckily you are able to change your fortune by using Foligain. You are going to notice a difference in the thickness and luster of your hair when using Foligain.
Read the Foligain review, check the rating of Foligain, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Foligain and other products. Find more info in Foligain forum and the official website:
Latest message in Foligain forum:
hair desperate wrote: Just started taking it. Feeling strange trying to detect what I am feeling had a kinda nausea feeling then cold sweat.
#21 Viviscal: 2.7 out of 5
ViviscalIf you are sick of running a brush through your hair and finding more hairs each time that you do so, Viviscal Man is a clinically researched method to help you get your hair back to where you want it. If you want thicker hair growth and want to thoroughly nourish your hair, Viviscal Man gives you the option to do so.
Read the Viviscal review, check the rating of Viviscal, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Viviscal and other products. Find more info in Viviscal forum and the official website:
Latest message in Viviscal forum:
Amanda wrote: Rating solely based off zero side effects after first few weeks of use when they are most commonly found. I have not had a single issue. Female 35. Will update review in terms of hair growth/strength at 2 & 3 months.
#22 Hair Growth Vitamins: 2.5 out of 5
Hair Growth VitaminsHair Growth Vitamins from Just Natural Products LLC takes a three-pronged approach to dealing with hair loss. If you are someone who does not believe that hair loss can be solved with a simple shampoo, Protein & Vitamin Hair Treatment proves that you need to look inward if you want healthy, radiant hair. This package is going to help you get your hair health back.
Read the Hair Growth Vitamins review, check the rating of Hair Growth Vitamins, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Hair Growth Vitamins and other products. Find more info in Hair Growth Vitamins forum and the official website:
Latest message in Hair Growth Vitamins forum:
Bernie wrote: I don't believe you can buy it in store. Check on Amazon. Sometimes you can find it on there with free 2 day shipping.
#23 Procerin: 2.4 out of 5
ProcerinIf you are looking for a hair loss solution that contains all the necessary ingredients that you need to get to the core of the hair loss problem, Procerin offers a natural solution to help you do so. If you want to get your hair health back to what you were accustomed to, Procerin is the way to do so.
Read the Procerin review, check the rating of Procerin, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Procerin and other products. Find more info in Procerin forum and the official website:
Latest message in Procerin forum:
Nigel wrote: I have given it three months and have not seen any new hair growth BUT my brother has. Keeping that in mind, I am still giving it two stars for my own experience. It smells weird, gave me gas, did nothing for my hair that I could notice, and I believe it dried my skin out. My brother? He has a much thicker hairline. Go figure. Best to try it for yourself.
#24 Propecia: 1.9 out of 5
PropeciaPropecia is a drug designed to combat male pattern hair loss; the condition that sees hair thin on the scalp to the point that it causes a receding hairline and eventually balding on the crown of the head in men.
Propecia works by increasing hair growth on the scalp and prevents more hair from being lost. The results of taking the drug are noticeable within just three months.
Read the Propecia review, check the rating of Propecia, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Propecia and other products. Find more info in Propecia forum and the official website:
Latest message in Propecia forum:
Michael W. wrote: It helped my friend at work. It helped my brother-in-law. It didn't help me. I was disappointed because I had seen what it can do. I guess if you are considering it, you will have to try it out to know if it will work or not for yourself.
#25 Minoxidil: 1.3 out of 5
MinoxidilMinoxidil is the active ingredient found in products that treat hair loss in men and women, such as Regaine or Rogaine. Minoxidil was initially used as a tablet to treat hypertension. As is the case with all medications, it is possible to incur some side effects when taking Minoxidil. Some people could complete the course of medication without experiencing any side effects.
Read the Minoxidil review, check the rating of Minoxidil, find the best prices, learn about possible side effects. Compare Minoxidil and other products. Find more info in Minoxidil forum and the official website:
Latest message in Minoxidil forum:
Rick wrote: Can this be used when you are in your late 20's? I started losing hair around 22 and have not been able to slow it down. My doc said I could try something like this and I read it can work but I am not sure now with all the negative feedback.
Best Hair Loss Pills (2024)
We encourage you to see the current hair loss pills toplist (year 2024) and/or rate products based on your own personal experience, based on a 1 to 5 scale, 5 being best. Here is a list of the best choices, by default the entries below are sorted by their average user rank, you may also sort the list alphabetically. You can rate products in our Hair Loss Forum.
Best Hair Loss Pills as ranked by 1485 users
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- Alphabetical order
How do we rank? We didn't rate these products. We only provide a website for users to rate, review and discuss related products based on their own experience, not on advertising. These ratings were generated by 1485 users. More and more users post their ratings and personal reviews of the best hair loss pills every day, therefore our comparison chart and toplist are STRICTLY USER GENERATED.
Best Hair Loss Pills
According to our forums and user-generated reviews, ProFollica is rated as the best hair loss pill by 1485 users!
Use the following link to find more information about ProFollica :
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